How to Thread Brows: 4 Easy Steps

by  Mila M.Cosmetologist

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Do you find yourself frustrated with maintaining your eyebrows at home? Brow threading is a gentler alternative to waxing, using just cotton thread to shape and create beautiful brows without any harsh chemicals.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of threading your eyebrows safely and effectively at home. Keep reading for all the expert tips and tricks that will turn you into a DIY brow pro in no time!

  • Threading is a gentler alternative to waxing and doesn’t involve harsh chemicals.
  • Gather supplies including 100% cotton thread, alcohol for sanitizing, and tweezers with a slanted tip.
  • Before threading, brush your eyebrows into place and trim any long hairs that may get in the way.

Gathering Supplies

To get started on threading your brows, you’ll need a few key supplies – 100% cotton thread, alcohol for sanitizing, and a pair of tweezers.

100% cotton thread

For threading your eyebrows, you definitely want to use a 100% cotton thread. It possesses the perfect strength and flexibility for this beauty task. The softness of the material is less likely to irritate or scratch your skin during hair removal process.

This makes it ideal for sensitive facial areas, providing an alternative hair removal technique that doesn’t rely on harsh chemicals, as pointed out in our important facts section.

Always go for high-quality cotton thread because it won’t easily break mid-threading, causing interruptions in your grooming session. If possible, get your hands on professional-grade cotton sewing thread typically used by aesthetic professionals – it’s both efficient and affordable!


To ensure a clean and hygienic threading experience, it’s important to use alcohol as part of your eyebrow grooming routine. Alcohol acts as a disinfectant, helping to sanitize the area before and after the threading process.

By applying alcohol on your skin, you can minimize the risk of bacteria or infections. It’s best to use 70% isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol for this purpose. Gently dab a small amount onto a cotton ball or pad and swipe it over your eyebrows to create a clean surface for threading.

This simple step will help maintain healthy brows while achieving precise shaping results.


Tweezers are an essential tool for shaping and maintaining your eyebrows. To achieve a precise look, choose tweezers with a slanted tip that easily grip individual hairs. Start by brushing your eyebrows into place and trimming any long hairs.

Then, use the tweezers to pluck stray hairs in the direction of hair growth. Be careful not to over-pluck and create gaps in your brows. With the right technique and steady hand, tweezers can help you achieve beautifully shaped eyebrows at home without any harsh chemicals or professional appointments.

Preparing Your Eyebrows for Threading

Before you start threading, make sure to brush your eyebrows into place and trim any long hairs that may get in the way.

Brushing them into place

To prepare your eyebrows for threading, start by brushing them into place. Use a clean spoolie brush to gently comb through your brow hairs in the direction of their natural growth.

This helps to straighten any unruly hairs and allows you to see the shape of your brows more clearly. Brushing them into place also ensures that all the hairs are aligned, making it easier to thread them later on.

So grab a spoolie brush and get those brows looking neat and tidy before you begin threading!

Trimming any long hairs

To start threading your eyebrows, it’s important to trim any long hairs first. Using a pair of clean and sharp eyebrow scissors, gently trim any stray hairs that are longer than the rest.

Make sure to brush your eyebrows into place before trimming so you can see which hairs need to be trimmed. This step will ensure that when you thread, the focus is on removing unwanted hair rather than lengthening or shaping the brows.

By trimming beforehand, you’ll achieve cleaner and more precise results with your threading technique.

4-Step Threading Technique

To begin the threading technique, form a loop with the thread by tying the two ends together securely.

Forming a loop with the thread

To begin threading your brows, form a loop with the cotton thread by tying the two ends together. Make sure the loop is long enough to fit around your fingers comfortably. The loop will help you control and maneuver the thread as you remove unwanted hair from your eyebrows.

Twisting the loop

To thread your brows effectively, you’ll need to master the technique of twisting the loop. After forming a loop with the cotton thread, use your fingers to twist it in an X shape.

This creates tension that helps grip and remove unwanted hairs. With the twisted loop in place, move in the opposite direction of hair growth to pluck them out effortlessly. By perfecting this step, you’ll achieve beautifully shaped eyebrows without any chemicals or pain.

Placing the twisted loop on unwanted hairs

To remove unwanted eyebrow hairs using the threading technique, you will need to place the twisted loop on the targeted area. After forming a loop with the cotton thread and twisting it about four or five times, gently glide one end of the loop across your brow in the opposite direction of hair growth.

This motion allows the twisted loop to catch and pluck out multiple hairs at once. Repeat this process until all desired hairs are removed, making sure to move systematically along your brows.

By placing the twisted loop directly on unwanted hairs, threading provides precise and efficient hair removal without irritating your skin or using harsh chemicals.

Moving in the opposite direction to remove hair

To remove hair using the threading technique, you need to move in the opposite direction. This means placing the twisted loop of thread on unwanted hairs and pulling it against their natural growth.

By doing so, you can effectively remove the hair from its root without breaking the skin or causing irritation. Threading in the opposite direction allows for precise and controlled hair removal, giving you beautifully shaped eyebrows with minimal discomfort.

3 Tips for Threading Brows

Use a magnifying mirror to ensure precision while threading your brows. Practice on a small section first to get the hang of the technique. Be gentle and avoid breaking the skin for a painless experience.

Use a magnifying mirror.

Using a magnifying mirror can greatly assist you in threading your brows effectively. This type of mirror allows you to see even the tiniest hairs up close, ensuring that you don’t miss any unwanted strands.

With its magnification, it becomes easier to identify which hairs need to be removed and achieve precise shaping. By using a magnifying mirror, you’ll have better visibility and control over the threading process, resulting in beautifully groomed eyebrows.

Practice on a small section first.

Start by practicing on a small section of your eyebrows before threading the entire area. This will allow you to get comfortable with the technique and perfect your movements. Use a magnifying mirror to see the hairs clearly and create a loop with the thread by tying two ends together.

Twist the loop several times to make it tighter, then place it on unwanted hairs in the opposite direction of growth. Move your fingers in an “X” motion to remove the hair from its root.

Take your time and be gentle, making sure not to break the skin or cause any irritation. Practice makes perfect, so don’t worry if it takes a few tries before you get it right.

By starting small, you can gain confidence and hone your skills in eyebrow threading without risking any mistakes on your entire brow. Remember that this technique is more precise than other methods like waxing or tweezing, so take your time and focus on each individual hair when practicing on that one small section.

Be gentle and avoid breaking the skin.

To ensure a safe and painless threading experience, it is crucial to be gentle and avoid breaking the skin. Remember, threading involves removing unwanted hair by twisting a looped thread around them and then pulling in the opposite direction.

Applying too much pressure or tugging too hard can cause irritation or even break the delicate skin around your brows. Take your time and move slowly to minimize any discomfort and prevent any potential injury.

Can the same technique for threading brows be used for African hair threading?

Yes, the ideal thread for African hair can be used for threading brows as well. The same technique for threading can be used for both African hair threading and brow threading. The ideal thread for African hair is strong yet gentle, making it suitable for both techniques.


Now that you know the steps and techniques for threading brows, you can easily achieve well-groomed eyebrows at home. With just a loop of thread and some practice, you’ll be able to remove unwanted hair in no time.

Remember to be gentle and take your time to ensure a smooth and precise result. Happy threading!


1. What is eyebrow threading?

Eyebrow threading is a technique for brow shaping and maintenance that involves tying a twisted cotton thread around the hairs to pull them out.

2. Can I do eyebrow threading at home?

Yes, DIY eyebrow threading can be done at home with some practice using tutorials and pictures for guidance.

3. How does professional eyebrow threading differ from DIY methods?

Professional eyebrow threading might provide more precise results compared to DIY methods as they have expertise in techniques like brow arching, which adds definition to the brows.

4. Besides eyebrow waxing and tinting, are there other ways to maintain brows?

Yes, besides waxing and tinting, you can use regular thread-based brow maintenance or even learn different eyebrow shaping techniques for better care of your eyebrows.

5. Should I Get My Eyebrows Threaded Regularly, and How Often?

Regular eyebrow threading maintenance is recommended every 4-6 weeks to keep your brows in shape. This technique is gentle on the skin and helps create a clean, precise look. It is a great way to maintain well-groomed eyebrows for a polished appearance.

6. Is it safe to stretch my forearm before starting the process of eyebow threading?

Absolutely! Stretching your forearm helps enhance flexibility which could help in procuring better control over the thread during the process.

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How to Thread Brows: 4 Easy Steps
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Mila, the veteran beauty cosmetics professional and author of this article, while cutting and styling the hair of her client

Hi! I’m Mila M. I share my 44 year-experience as a Cosmetologist & Beauty Professional in this blog. This content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Consult your trusted Beauty Professional for your personal beauty needs.

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