Do Guys Shave Their Armpit Hair? 7 Pros & Cons

by  Mila M.Cosmetologist

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Are you a guy questioning whether or not to shave your armpit hair? It’s interesting to note that men’s grooming habits, particularly about armpit hair, have increasingly become a popular topic of discussion.

This blog post will guide you through the reasons why some men choose to shave their armpits and also provide tips for those who decide to do it safely and effectively. Read on if you’re ready for a deeper dive into this hairy situation!

  • Some men choose to shave their armpit hair to reduce body odor, meet personal preferences, adhere to cultural norms, and potentially enhance athletic performance.
  • Shaving armpit hair can increase the risk of infections, irritation, and ingrown hairs.
  • Proper shaving techniques include preparing the area with warm water and a gentle cleanser, choosing the right tools such as a sharp razor or electric trimmer, and applying moisturizer or antiperspirant after shaving.
  • Alternatives to shaving armpit hair include trimming, waxing, laser hair removal, and using natural products.

PROS: 4 Reasons Why Some Men Shave Their Armpit Hair

Some men shave their armpit hair to reduce body odor, meet personal preferences, adhere to cultural norms, and potentially enhance athletic performance.

Reducing body odor

Shaving your armpits can indeed play a part in minimizing body odor. Sweat, which is mostly water and salt, doesn’t necessarily have a strong scent. However, when it lingers on your skin and in your underarm hair, it provides an ideal breeding ground for bacteria to multiply rapidly.

These bacteria are what actually produce the stench we associate with sweat or ‘body odor’. By shaving off underarm hair, you’re removing this cozy environment for these microbes. Now they have fewer places to set up colonies and therefore less chance of creating unpleasant odors.

For guys concerned about smelling fresh throughout the day, trimming or removing armpit hair could prove beneficial!

Personal preference

Men’s decision to shave their armpit hair ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some men simply prefer the look and feel of a clean-shaven underarm, while others may find it more comfortable during physical activity or in hot weather.

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to grooming choices, as each individual has their own unique preferences and style. So, whether you choose to shave your armpits or let the hair grow naturally, it’s important to do what makes you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.

Cultural norms

Different cultures have different norms when it comes to armpit hair on men. In some cultures, it is considered more socially acceptable for men to have minimal or no underarm hair.

This may be influenced by societal beauty standards and personal grooming preferences. While cultural norms can vary, ultimately the decision to shave or keep armpit hair is a matter of personal choice and individual expression.

Athletic performance

Shaving armpit hair can also benefit athletic performance. By removing the underarm hair, athletes can reduce friction and increase their speed while competing in sports such as swimming, cycling, and athletics.

This is why many male athletes choose to shave their bodies, including their armpits. Additionally, less underarm hair means that sweat has less surface area to collect on, which helps to keep athletes cool during intense physical activity.

Ultimately, shaving armpit hair can contribute to improved athletic performance for men in sports.

CONS: 3 Reasons Against Shaving Armpit Hair

Increased risk of infections, irritation and ingrown hairs, and the time and effort involved may make you reconsider shaving your armpit hair. Find out more about these reasons to help you make an informed decision.

Increased risk of infections

Shaving armpit hair can come with an increased risk of infections. When you shave, you remove the natural protective barrier that the hair provides against bacteria and other microorganisms.

Without this barrier, your skin becomes more vulnerable to infections such as folliculitis, which is inflammation of the hair follicles. Additionally, shaving can cause small cuts or nicks on the skin, creating openings for bacteria to enter and cause infection.

It’s important to keep your armpits clean and properly moisturized after shaving to lower the risk of infection.

Irritation and ingrown hairs

Shaving armpit hair can sometimes lead to irritation and ingrown hairs. When you shave, the sharp edge of the razor can cause small cuts or abrasions on the skin, which may become irritated and red.

Additionally, when the hair starts to grow back, it may curl and grow inward instead of outward, causing painful ingrown hairs. These ingrown hairs can become infected if not properly treated.

It’s important to take precautions such as using a clean razor, applying shaving cream or gel for lubrication, and moisturizing after shaving to minimize irritation and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

Time and effort

Shaving your armpit hair does require some time and effort, but it can be worth it for the benefits. While it may take a few extra minutes in the shower to shave your armpits, the results can include reduced body odor and a neater appearance.

Remember that everyone’s hair grows at different rates, so you may need to shave more or less frequently depending on how quickly your hair grows back. Overall, while shaving does require a bit of time and effort, many men find that the results are well worth it.

How to Properly Shave Your Armpits

To properly shave your armpits, start by preparing the area with warm water and a gentle cleanser to soften the hair and remove any dirt or bacteria. Then, choose a sharp razor or electric trimmer specifically designed for sensitive skin.

Using short, gentle strokes, shave in the direction of hair growth to minimize irritation and ingrown hairs. Rinse the razor frequently to prevent clogging and change blades regularly for optimal results.

After shaving, apply a soothing moisturizer or antiperspirant deodorant to keep the skin hydrated and protected throughout the day.

Preparing the area

To properly shave your armpits, it’s important to prepare the area beforehand. Start by thoroughly cleaning your underarms with mild soap and warm water to remove any dirt, sweat, or deodorant residue.

This will ensure a clean surface for shaving and help prevent any potential infections. Next, consider exfoliating the skin gently using a scrub or loofah to remove dead skin cells and soften the hair follicles.

This can make shaving easier and reduce the chances of ingrown hairs. Finally, make sure your underarms are dry before applying shaving cream or gel. These steps will help provide a smooth and comfortable shave while minimizing the risk of irritation or other side effects.

Choosing the right tools

To achieve a smooth and comfortable shave, it’s important to choose the right tools for shaving your armpits. A good quality razor with multiple blades can help you achieve a close shave and minimize irritation.

Look for razors specifically designed for sensitive skin or with moisture strips to provide extra protection. Additionally, consider using shaving gel or cream to lubricate the area and reduce friction.

Remember to replace your razor blades regularly to maintain their effectiveness. By selecting the appropriate tools, you can ensure a clean and hassle-free shaving experience for your armpits.

Techniques for shaving

To properly shave your armpits, start by preparing the area. Take a warm shower or apply a warm towel to soften the hair and open up your pores. This will make shaving easier and reduce the chance of irritation.

Next, choose the right tool for the job. A sharp razor with multiple blades is ideal for a close shave. Make sure to use shaving cream or gel to lubricate your skin and prevent cuts.

When shaving, use short strokes in the direction of hair growth to avoid ingrown hairs. Finally, after you’re done shaving, apply deodorant or antiperspirant to keep odor at bay throughout the day.

Applying deodorant

To keep your underarms fresh and odor-free after shaving, applying deodorant is essential. Deodorant helps to mask any remaining body odor and keeps you feeling confident throughout the day.

Look for a deodorant that contains antiperspirant properties to help control sweat production as well. Applying deodorant daily can help maintain hygiene and prevent any unwanted smells from developing in your armpits.

4 Alternatives to Shaving Armpit Hair

There are various alternatives to shaving armpit hair, such as trimming, waxing, laser hair removal, and using natural products. Discover which option is best for you by reading more!


Trimming your armpit hair is a popular alternative to shaving for men. By using a pair of scissors or an electric trimmer, you can easily shorten the length of your underarm hair without completely removing it.

Trimming helps maintain a neater and more groomed appearance while avoiding some of the potential side effects of shaving, such as irritation and ingrown hairs. It also allows you to control the length of your armpit hair, so you can find a style that suits your personal preference.


Waxing is another popular method for removing armpit hair. This involves applying hot or cold wax to the underarm area and then quickly pulling it off, which pulls out the hair from the root.

Waxing can provide longer-lasting results compared to shaving, as it takes longer for the hair to grow back. Additionally, some people find that their hair grows back thinner and softer after regular waxing sessions.

However, it’s important to note that waxing can be quite painful and may cause redness or irritation in sensitive skin. It’s also recommended to have a professional perform the waxing procedure for best results and safety.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a popular method for permanently reducing armpit hair. During the process, a laser emits concentrated light that targets the pigment in hair follicles, damaging their ability to grow new hairs.

The treatment is relatively painless and typically requires multiple sessions for optimal results. Laser hair removal offers long-lasting benefits compared to shaving or waxing, as it can significantly reduce the growth of underarm hair over time.

It’s an effective option for those looking to minimize body odor and maintain smoother skin in the armpit area without the hassle of regular grooming.

Using natural products

Using natural products can be a great alternative to traditional shaving creams and lotions. Natural products are often made with ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, and essential oils that can soothe and moisturize the skin.

These products are also less likely to contain harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances that can irritate sensitive skin. By choosing natural shaving products, you can take care of your armpits while still achieving a smooth shave.

Plus, these products are better for the environment too! So why not give them a try and discover the benefits of using natural alternatives for your grooming routine?.

Conclusion: Should Men Shave Their Armpits?

Shaving armpit hair is a personal choice, and there is no right or wrong answer. However, there are some factors to consider when deciding whether to shave your armpits as a man. Shaving can reduce body odor because sweat is able to collect less when there is less underarm hair.

It can also make men look more attractive by giving them a neater appearance. In fact, some male celebrities choose to shave their armpits for this reason. So if reducing body odor and enhancing attractiveness are important to you, shaving your armpits might be worth considering.

On the other hand, it’s important to note that armpit hair growth is natural and serves a purpose in regulating body temperature. Additionally, shaving can come with side effects such as irritation and ingrown hairs.

It also requires regular upkeep as hair grows back quickly. If you don’t mind the maintenance or prefer the smooth look, then go ahead and shave your armpits. Ultimately, the decision should be based on your personal grooming preferences and what makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.

In conclusion, whether men should shave their armpits ultimately boils down to personal preference and individual priorities regarding hygiene and aesthetics. Shaving can help reduce body odor and give a neater appearance; however, it comes with potential side effects like irritation and ingrown hairs.

Consider what matters most to you in terms of grooming and make an informed decision that aligns with your own needs and style preferences.


1. Do guys shave their armpit hair for personal hygiene?

Yes, some men do opt for armpit hair removal as part of their body hair maintenance routine to maintain personal hygiene and avoid getting stinky.

2. Are there any specific grooming techniques that guys use for armpit hair removal?

There are various manscaping methods used by men such as shaving, waxing or using a trimmer as part of male grooming techniques.

3. Is the perception of body hair attractiveness changing?

Indeed, preference towards body hair is subjective and varies from person to person; however manscaping trends have shown an increased acceptance in men carrying out regular body grooming including chest and armpit grooming.

4. What does ‘manscaping’ refer to in terms of male hygiene?

Manscaping refers to the act of removing or trimming male body hair as part of maintaining personal cleanliness and enhancing one’s appearance.

For effective armpit-hair management, it’s important to regularly clean the area before opting any form of manscaping technique like trimming or shaving; it ensures optimal results avoiding potential skin infections.

Do Guys Shave Their Armpit Hair? 7 Pros & Cons
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Mila, the veteran beauty cosmetics professional and author of this article, while cutting and styling the hair of her client

Hi! I’m Mila M. I share my 44 year-experience as a Cosmetologist & Beauty Professional in this blog. This content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Consult your trusted Beauty Professional for your personal beauty needs.

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